A stop in Vienna

After 4 years dedicated to my Ph.D. in London, I am moving to Viena for a short 4 months break to work in something different. This is a great opportunity for me to finally learn German. Since I am personal development and fast learning enthusiast as well as a researcher, I wanted to make an experiment out of this. I plan to use my favorite fast learning techniques and report my results here, explaining how I use them, and allowing people who is in the same path to benefit from them. If you have never heard of these techniques, my goal is to provide by-example guide on how to use them to also help you with your language learning.

I love trying to be as effective as I can myself. Because of this, my personal goal is to help people learn more effectively. If I can help a single person to improve their learning, this effort would have been worth. I invite you to follow me in this journey!

Happy Fast-Learning :)
Talk soon!


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